Monday, April 09, 2007

The Contribution of Q50 in Technicolor

I began this quilt in a rectangular shape and found I didn't like it much. So I cut it into 5 pieces, slid them up or down and fused them to a solid piece of backing. I then cut the backing to fit the shape of the top pieces, satin-stitched around the edges and between the pieces and produced something I've never tried before. It was hard cutting into a piece but I think I like the finished product much better. I'm also planning to enter it into a juried, mixed-media art exhibit. This will be my first attempt at anything like this and it will be interesting to see if they feel that fiberart fits their mixed media selections. If accepted I will be quite anxious to read the judges' comments. What do you all think? This is to represent bridges connecting DNA molecules, thus the title.


alice said...

How interesting to read about your edge finishing technique when I had considered the same thing for a piece I'm working on. A looming deadline made me cut off my irregular edges, but I plan to try it in the future. My 2005 Journal Quilts used a zigzag finish, but they were all rectangular. I used Peltex for the batting in those - what did you use in your quilt?

Monty Wilson said...

I've seen this quilt in that exhibit, and stood in front of it for a very long time. I love it!
Katie in Nebraska