The latest challenge for my on-line group, Fast Friday Fabric Challenge, was issued last Friday, the fourth Friday of the month and was to depict dimensionality in a quilt or Trompe l'oeil pronounced Tromp loy. Most of this type of work is very realistic and I jumped at doing this. While looking over the links for this challenge I happened to remember a picture I had drawn several years ago and surprisingly was able to grave the correct sketch book even. But I was even more surprised at just how many 'several years ago' was. Seems I drew it in 1980! Still worked... So I took a photo of the pencil drawing and then printed it onto an 8" x 10" piece of fabric. The 3 faces weren't as dramatic in black and white so I used colored pencils to give their skin and shirts some color. I quilted the faces very little so as not to lose their power.
Yes, all the pine needles are individually cut averaging about 1" x 1/16" in size. Only took a few hours one evening.
Then, since I love birds, I put a lovely little White-crowned Sparrow on a branch for the father and sons to look at. The shadows are all thread painted. It's 15 1/2" x 17".