Being snowed in LOTS this winter has really given me time to create different quilts. Once I retire in May I'm hoping to get back into drawing, painting, photography, and whatever else along with my art quilts. Yesterday I finished a 14" x 40" quilt that I plan to give to the elementary for my retirement. The two children are students in my class this year and both very sweet kids. I'm 'hoping' the school will like it enough to hang somewhere in the office area where those coming into the school for business will see it, but who knows, they may choose to roll it up in a drawer someplace. Even though it's completed I won't give it to the school until early August since I have been asked to do my first trunk showing for a quilt guild in southewestern Iowa. I'm in the habit of giving away many of my quilts and will need to keep them now so I'll have plenty to share with this guild in July.