Saturday, December 12, 2009

Poor Blogger

I've never been very good about journaling and since a blog is basically a journal I guess that's why I don't post very often.

Lots has happened in the way of quilts since my last post. At the Siouxland Samplers biannual quilt show in September I won 8 ribbons including Best of Show for my homeless man quilt, "Disheartened Sage." The week after that I had to immediately send the quilt to Paducah for judging since it was juried into the AQS Des Moines show the last week in October. It didn't win anything there but it was an honor to have been chosen to have it hang with so many other wonderful quilts. I even got to see it hang and had my picture taken with him. Right after getting home I received a phone call from a very nice woman wanting to purchase him. So in the middle of November I exchanged 'Sage' for a check. It was sort of like letting go of one's child but I know he is being well cared for and will be for many years to come. I can visit him in Omaha when I want she told me. I just may have to do that sometime.

The wall was bare where Sage had hung and the annual Stuhr Museum of the Prairie annual quilt show was approaching and the theme was animals. I'd had a photo taken by Lynea Hinchman that I'd wanted to make into a quilt for quite some time now and got at it. To her two Ring-billed Gulls I added 3 more smaller gulls that I painted, cut out, fused to the background, and then quilted down. I also added some rock cliffs and water. The background is quite bright from anything I've used before but I felt was just what a pair of white gulls needed to set them off. Looks like a sunrise or a sunset.

Next up will be a simple scrap quilt either enlarged to a queen size or completed as a throw size for some future gift probably.