Monday, May 26, 2008

Birds Out my Window

Nothing new to post in the way of quilts yet but since I am also an avid bird-watcher I thought I could post some photos that I've taken. Once the apple trees finally bloomed after a late start due to such a cold spring they were hopping with birds. I've had both Baltimore and Orchard Orioles along with Ruby-throated Hummingbirds drinking the nectar from the blossoms. Cedar Waxwings were actually picking off one at a time the petals from the blossoms and eating them! Robins, Red-headed, Downy, and Hairy Woodpeckers, Brown Thrasher, flycatchers and warblers eat any insects in the trees. American Goldfinch, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, and Indigo Bunting sit and wait for a spot at my near-by feeders. With all the Orange, Blue, Yellow, Black and White with a back drop of white apple blossoms and green grass makes from a lovely, colorful yard. Besides their color, their song fills the yard with melodious sound. We've even had Wild Turkey in the yard one evening.

The first picture is of a male Baltimore Oriole, the second a male Rose-breasted Grosbeak, third a male Orchard Oriole, fourth a male Indigo Bunting, fifth a male American Goldfinch, and last a gorgeous Cedar Waxwing taken during a rain shower.

To get these pictures I digi-scoped using my small Sony Cybershot camera placed against the lens of my spotting scope. This acts like a zoom lens for a larger camera. I think they're not too bad considering they were also shot through 2 panes of glass.