I haven't been doing much creatively as of late. Too many other things and not enough time to do a good job or think about what I'm doing. I spent much of Christmas vacation from my elementary teaching job trying to use up some of the many scraps I can't seem to toss and using some of the old fabric I have stashed away. I used them to make 3 small, child-size quilts to give to my local quilt guild's project where the quilts go to children who have been in an accident or removed from a dangerous home situation. I still have LOTS of fabric to use for something along this line.
I am working on a couple of small, more artistic projects of which I'll post pictures later.
I am also an avid bird-watcher so my husband and I have taken some time to search for the few winter birds around this winter. I did add two new life birds (both gulls) in two days time, but had to drive 2 1/2 hrs. for one and 5 1/2 hrs. for the other but well worth it and if you watch birds you'll understand this. If not, wellllll... Today I'm trying to see how many I can tally for the new year of 2007. Thus far I'm up to 14 seen from my warm kitchen window. I'd hoped the snow yesterday would have brought in more species than it has. Maybe it's time for a short walk outside and some very fresh air as a bonus.